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Story | A Rich Mouse And A Holy Man

Once, there was a good man who was very poor and relied on others for food. He would eat a small amount and save the rest in a bowl hanging high on a hook. There was a little mouse who saw this and would jump up to take some of the food for itself. One day, a friend of the good man came to visit him. They ate together and started talking. The good man couldn't focus on the conversation because he kept tapping the ground with a stick to scare the mouse away. The friend asked, "What are you doing? Why aren't you listening to me properly?" The good man apologized and explained, "I'm sorry! It's just that troublesome mouse! It keeps eating the food I manage to save." The friend was curious about how the mouse could jump so high, so he said, "The mouse must have saved a lot of food, which gives it the energy to jump so high." They decided to dig and search for the mouse's hidden stash of food. They found it and took it away. When the mouse returned and discovered its food was gone, it became very sad. It lost all interest in stealing food from the good man's bowl. The story teaches us that to defeat our enemies, we need to identify their source of strength.

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