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Story | A Wolf And A Lamb/ A Tyrant Can Invent Any Excuse

Once upon a time, there was a wolf who was drinking water near the beginning of a stream. Suddenly, he noticed a small lamb drinking water farther downstream. As soon as the wolf saw the lamb, he became very hungry and decided he wanted to eat it. So, he started walking towards the lamb. While he was walking, he tried to come up with a reason for his actions.

When the wolf got closer to the lamb, he looked at the lamb with angry eyes and loudly said, "How dare you make the water dirty for me?"

The lamb, trembling with fear, replied, "How can I do that, sir? The water is flowing from you to me."

The wolf didn't have anything to say to that, but then suddenly he shouted, "Why did you insult me last year?"

The lamb, feeling scared and weak, replied softly, "Sir, it's not possible. I wasn't even born then."

"Well, if it wasn't you, then it must have been your father," said the wolf. After saying that, he attacked the lamb and tore it into pieces.

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