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Story | A Willful Person Ever Suffers

Once upon a time, there was a man walking with his donkey on a road going down a hill. He was holding a stick to guide the donkey. The donkey was being careful and walking nicely for a while. But suddenly, it went off the road and started wandering away. The man tried really hard to make the donkey come back on the road, but the stubborn animal didn't listen. Eventually, it reached the edge of a cliff that looked out over a deep, narrow valley. The man became very worried because he saw the danger the donkey was in. He didn't know what to do. So, at the last moment, when the donkey was just about to jump off the cliff, the man grabbed its tail. He pulled with all his strength to stop the donkey from moving forward, but it didn't move even an inch back. So, the man had no choice but to let go and sadly said, "Alright, go ahead and meet your death. What else can I do?"

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