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Story | An Honest Gardener

Once upon a time there was a poor man. His name was Suruj Ali. He was poor but honest. He worked in a large mango orchard. The owner of the orchard was Hammidur Rahman. Hamidur Rahman was a very rich man. One summer afternoon Hamidur Rahman along with his some friends came to the garden. He asked Suruj Ali to pick some large sweet ripe mangoes. Suruj Ali went to the garden and picked some large ripe mangoes and gave them to his master and went away. But they found that those mangoes were sour and they could not eat them. Then Hamidur Rahman asked Suruj Ali when he came, Halnidur Rahman said that he had been working in his garden for five years. But he could not bring sweet mangoes. Suruj Ali replied respectfully that his duty was to look after the garden, not to taste mangoes. Hamidur Rahman was pleased and gave him a gold coin for his honesty

Moral : Honesty is the best policy.

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