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Story | The Foolish King

Once upon a time, there was a king who lived on an island. The island was filled with beautiful green trees. One day, the king decided that he wanted to build a magnificent palace on the island. To do so, he commanded his people to cut down all the trees. Some people disagreed with the king's idea, but he didn't listen to their objections. The people had no choice but to carry out the king's order and cut down all the trees.

After a few years passed, a big change happened to the island's climate. Since there were no trees left on the island, the entire environment faced a serious crisis. The land became dry and sandy due to lack of rainfall, and there was hardly any fertile area left. In fact, the whole island turned into a desert and became unsuitable for living.

Realizing the severity of the situation, the king called his advisors to find out what had caused this crisis. It became clear to the king that his mistake of cutting down all the trees had led to this disaster. To make amends, the king ordered all his people to plant trees everywhere on the island.

Moral: Look before you leap.

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