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Story | Appearance Is Often Deceptive

Once upon a time, there was a big, strong deer. He was very thirsty, so he went to a pool of water. The water in the pool was clear and still, like a mirror. When the deer looked into the water, he could see himself very clearly. He felt happy when he saw his beautiful antlers. But then he noticed his thin legs in the reflection. Even though they looked small, they helped him run fast. This made the deer sad.

With a sad feeling in his heart, the deer drank water from the pool. Just as he lifted his head, he saw a lion coming towards him. The deer quickly started running, and the lion couldn't catch up. The deer felt relieved and happy. But, unfortunately, his antlers got stuck in some bushes. He tried his best to free himself, but he couldn't. Meanwhile, the lion caught up to him again. The deer realized his mistake of criticizing his legs and praising his antlers. But it was too late now. The lion caught the deer and tore him into pieces.

The moral of the story is that we should not underestimate the things that help us and be proud of our own abilities.

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