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Story | Anger and Love - Emotional Mistake

Once there was a man who had a brand new car. He was cleaning and making it shiny. His little son, who was 7 years old, found a stone and started drawing lines on the side of the car. The man got very angry and grabbed his son's hand. He hit it many times without realizing that he was using a tool called a wrench.

The poor child got hurt badly and had to go to the hospital. His fingers were so broken that the doctors couldn't save them. When the child saw his father at the hospital, he looked at him with sad and painful eyes. He asked his dad, "When will my fingers grow back?"

The man felt so hurt and couldn't say anything. He went back to his car and started kicking it many times. He was devastated by what he had done. As he sat in front of the car, he noticed the scratches his child had made. Its written, "LOVE YOU DAD."

Anger and love are very strong feelings. But it's better to choose love because it brings beauty and happiness to life. We should use things and love people. Sadly, in today's world, people are sometimes treated like things, and things are loved more than people.

Let's remember this important lesson: Things are meant to be used, but people are meant to be loved. It's important to be careful with our thoughts because they turn into words. Our words become actions, and our actions become habits. Our habits shape our character, and our character determines our destiny.

I'm happy that a friend sent me this story as a reminder. God bless you. Remember, nothing bad will happen if you don't share this story, but if you do, you might change someone's life.

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