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Story | Be Ever-Ready For The Worst

Once upon a time, a clever fox was walking in a big forest to find something yummy to eat. Suddenly, he saw a big pig with pointy teeth. The pig was scratching his teeth on a tree. The fox looked around carefully, but he didn't see any danger for the pig. Even though the fox was smart, he didn't understand why the pig was doing that.

Feeling curious, the fox went up to the pig and asked, "Hey, Mr. Pig, why are you doing that? There are no hunters today, and I don't see any other danger either."

The pig replied, "You're right, my friend. But imagine if a fire started, would it be smart to dig a well? We live in a forest where enemies could be anywhere. Who knows when I might have to fight an enemy and use my teeth against them? If I don't sharpen my teeth now, I might not have time when I really need them."

So, the pig was preparing for the worst things that could happen. It's important to always be ready, just like the pig, in case something bad comes along.

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