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Story | Blessing In Disguise

Once upon a time, in the United States of America about two years ago, something interesting happened. Three big business people went together to a place where they could buy tickets for an airplane in New York. They wanted to go to London on that day. They had an important business agreement to finish, and if they succeeded, they would make a lot of money. They were really lucky because they found three tickets for a fast plane called Boeing. This plane was going to fly to London at 1:00 in the afternoon. Right now, it was only 9:00 in the morning, so they had some time to go to their offices in a special place for businesses in New York. They needed to get some important papers from there. They quickly went from the place where they bought the tickets to their office in a big fancy car called Chevrolet. They collected the papers they needed, but they took a little longer than they expected. However, they still had enough time, so they drove their car as fast as they could. Unfortunately, when they got to a place where the roads meet, they found a lot of cars stopped because of a big traffic jam. They were stuck there for a long time. When they finally arrived at the airport, it was too late because the plane had already left. They felt very sad because they missed the plane and thought they lost their chance to make money. But something amazing happened! The plane they were supposed to be on was hijacked by some bad people who wanted to take it to a secret place instead of going to Britain. The next day, the three businessmen were extremely happy and grateful. They realized that missing the plane was actually a good thing because it saved them from danger and their business deal worked out well for them. It was like a surprise gift from the heavens!

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