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Composition | Cyclone In Bangladesh

In Bangladesh, cyclones happen almost every year. This is because Bangladesh is located near the Bay of Bengal. When depressions form on the bay, they move upwards and hit the coastal areas of Bangladesh.

Here's how it happens: First, a depression forms on the sea. The sun shines hotly, making the air in a certain area lighter. The colder wind from surrounding areas rushes in to fill this empty space. This creates low pressure, which turns into a depression. The depression gains strength and moves northeast. The wind blows strongly, accompanied by thunder and lightning. The waves in the sea become wild. Eventually, the cyclone reaches the land and hits it with great force.

On April 29, 1991, a severe cyclone hit Chittagong and nearby areas. It was the strongest storm we had ever seen. There had been unbearable heat for a few days. The sky was dark and cloudy. The trees looked thoughtful. It was a Monday. Around 9 o'clock at night, strong winds started blowing. Thunderous sounds filled the air. The tall trees shook violently, appearing flexible. By midnight, the cyclone began to rage furiously. It continued like that for four hours. Only by 9 o'clock the next morning did the cyclone finally calm down.

The aftermath of Cyclone 91 was devastating. Trees and houses were blown away as easily as peanut shells. Many boats were carried onto the land in Chittagong. There was extensive loss of livestock and damage to property. Almost 500,000 people lost their lives.

To mitigate the impact of cyclones, it is important to build cyclone shelters along the coast. Additionally, the cyclone signaling system should be upgraded and made more modern.

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