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Essay | Dish Antena

It is sure that television is a best medium of entertainment. With the help of dish antenna we can see the programmers of the whole world.

A wonderful gift of science: it is a wonderful gift of science. With the help of dish antenna we can communicate with the whole world. Dish antenna is a great glorification of the modern civilization. Dish antenna and the whole world: Dish antenna has united the separated countries of the world. We can see and hear every important matters of the world staying in our country through television, with the help of dish antenna. So it has united the whole world.

The importance of dish antenna: The importance is noted bellow:
(a) Dish antenna shortens the world.
(b) Dish antenna broadens world’s co-operation and communication.
(c) It is a great medium of getting commercial articles.
(d) It has a role in the world’s economy.
(e) It refines our culture and education etc.

Bad effects of dish antenna: The bad effect of dish antenna is noted bellow:
(a) Dish antenna leads the people of the world towards the ultra-modern and teddy life.

(b) It is destroying culture and religion.
(c) Dish antenna trough television shows naked and vulgar sights and sounds.
(d) It influences our youngsters to the moral degradation. 
(e) It exaggerates the commercial articles for selling and buying.

Dish antenna and Bangladesh: Bangladesh became victim to the vulgarism of foreign countries. Bangladesh is a poor country. But she has imported many dish antennas recently. It is a great menace to the total peace and harmony of Bangladesh. Our people don’t take dish antenna as a didactic basis. It may not appropriate to our country.

Educative value of dish antenna: The aerial help of television assist television to display the whole world’s program. It is fit for open education. It is also an instrument of national program.

Commercial value of it: Bad articles are shown in the screen of T.V as good articles with the help of dish antenna. As a result the customers are cheated. So, the bad articles are getting priority. But we get news of new prepared articles through television.

Television can display only one country’s program. But with the help of dish antenna we can see and hear the program of the whole world. A great Islamic thinker Rd. Shamshed Ali says, “Dish antenna has many good effects but it has also many bad effects. It fully depends on our adoption and adjustment.”

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