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Composition | Dignity Of A Labour

Working is important and honorable. We are meant to work, as Allah has given us hands to use. As long as we are strong and capable, we should use our own hands to do our work. It is not right to be idle and expect others to do our work for us.

Depending on others is shameful, so it is necessary for a person to earn their livelihood through hard work. To make progress and have a comfortable life, people must work harder and harder. Through hard work, even beautiful cities have been built in the middle of forests. People have harnessed rivers and utilized their water through laborious efforts. Barren deserts have been transformed into fertile fields through the hard work of people. Therefore, labor is the foundation of human progress.

Without labor, nothing can be accomplished or achieved. If we do not work hard, we cannot fulfill our purpose. Even the basic necessities of life cannot be obtained without labor. The value of labor has been recognized by everyone in all countries throughout history. Labor is considered a form of worship. It is sacred and honorable. There is nothing dishonorable about doing one's own work with one's own hands.

Labor is sacred because it sustains our lives. If a person does not work, they will suffer in the long run. If farmers refuse to cultivate the land, not only will they go hungry, but the entire nation will face famine. If workers in mills and factories refuse to work, the whole nation will be deprived of manufactured goods. Therefore, labor plays a crucial role in human life.

Labor instills a person with a sense of dignity and independence. It gives them courage and self-awareness. They do not rely on charity but earn their own living through labor. Being a shoemaker is not disgraceful, but being a beggar is certainly dishonorable.

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