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Story | Do Good And Have Good

This is a story about a strong lion that lived in a dense forest. One day, while he was sleeping, a small bug called a louse jumped onto him. It bothered him and disturbed his sleep. The lion became angry and let out a loud, deep sound called a roar. He wanted to kill the little bug. However, the louse asked the lion to forgive it. The lion forgave the louse, and the louse was very grateful. It happily went away from there.

On another day, as the lion was walking in the forest, he suddenly got trapped in a net set up by a hunter. He couldn't move at all. He let out a loud roar, hoping someone would hear him. The mouse, which the lion had forgiven earlier, heard the roar and came running from its small home. It saw the lion stuck in the net and easily cut the strings of the net with its sharp teeth. The lion was able to get out of the net comfortably. He thanked the mouse over and over again.

The lesson of the story is that when you are kind to others, it can lead to good things happening to you in return. So always try to do good things, and you may be rewarded for your kindness.

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