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Composition | Earthquakes

Earthquakes happen when the ground shakes really hard because of waves in the rocks under the Earth. They can cause a lot of damage to people and their things.

When there's an earthquake, it can destroy a lot of things and even hurt or kill people. If the earthquake is strong, it can make houses shake a lot and even make tall buildings fall down.

During an earthquake, trees move in a strange way, like in a big storm, and tanks and rivers get really wild. It's not safe to stay inside a tall building during an earthquake, but houses made of thatch and bamboo are somewhat safer. The ground floor of buildings is also safer. If you're in a house, it's better to go outside in the open when there's an earthquake.

In Japan, earthquakes happen a lot. They have them more often than other countries in the world. In Bangladesh, there are also earthquakes sometimes, but they are not as strong and happen in different parts of the country.

When earthquakes happen, people lose their lives, their things, and even the land and animals. There have been so many terrible earthquakes in the world that we can't even count them all. In Bangladesh, there have been several earthquakes in different areas too. Actually, earthquakes are the most destructive and dangerous natural disasters.

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