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Composition | Flood In Bangladesh/ A Natural Calamity Of Bangladesh

Floods are a natural disaster that happens every year in Bangladesh. The people of Bangladesh have to deal with floods almost every year.

When there is too much rain, the rivers and canals overflow and cause a lot of damage to crops and property. This is what we call a flood.

There are many reasons why floods happen. Heavy rain is the main cause. Cyclones, the Farakka barrage, and melting snow also contribute to floods.

Floods wash away our animals and food crops. They destroy villages, roads, and even people's houses. Many lives are lost in floods. All communication is cut off, and people become homeless. They seek shelter on high roads, in schools, and colleges.

After a flood, all the houses are covered in mud and become unclean. People don't have access to clean drinking water. Diseases like cholera, typhoid, and other dangerous illnesses break out.

However, floods also have some positive effects. They make the land fertile by depositing silt. Rivers and canals become abundant with fish. Floods also help clean away our waste and dirt.

The government should take steps to prevent floods. Everyone wants a good solution to this serious problem. The government, non-governmental organizations, and aware individuals can all play an important role in this matter.

Floods cause significant damage to our country every year. So we must do everything we can to control floods, no matter the cost.

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