Composition | Food Problem In Bangladesh
Once Bangladesh was the store house of crops. But those happy days have gone away. Now, we suffer much from food deficit. It has become a cha challenge to our existence.
Mainly the condition of food problem depends on production of crops and its utilization. Now our farmers suffer from real valuation and utilization of their gotten crops. They may be rich if they get these facilities.
There are many causes of food problem in Bangladesh. Our cultivation system and other kinds of ways of growing food are defective and unscientific. Mainly, natural calamities like flood, cyclone, drought and insects destroy our standing crops every year. Moreover, for the illiteracy of our farmers cannot produce desired food. That is why we have food problem.
There are some dishonest businessmen who make artificial problem by storing food for more benefit. Here the government has a strong role to play. It must at once arrest the dishonest businessmen and punish them. The government should import the more needed food items such as rice, sugar, salt, chilies and onions. Even the government has to prevent black marketing by police force.
To solve the problem scientific methods of cultivation and co-operative farming system should be introduced. The farmers should be supplied with better seeds, manure, loan etc. by the Government. The instruments of irrigation system for the dry season should also be corrected by the Government. Above all, steps should be taken to remove illiteracy from the society, so that the farmers can learn easily to utilize mechanical ploughs and to apply insecticides and fertilizers timely.
In conclusion, we can say, food problem is both nature-caused and man-made. We should activate all our efforts and expertise to remove these causes, and make Bangladesh self-sufficient in food.