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Composition | Fruits Of Bangladesh

Bangladesh has really good soil. It grows lots of different fruits all the time.

In different seasons, different fruits are grown here. Let's talk about some well-known fruits.

The mango is the most popular fruit. It grows all over the country. But the best mangoes come from Rajshahi and Dinajpur. There are many types of mangoes, like Fazli, Langra, and Mohonbhog. People love them because they are sweet and tasty.

The jack-fruit is also called "Kanthal". It's a really big fruit with lots of juicy parts inside. It tastes great, but it can be hard to digest. It grows a lot in Dhaka, Mymensingh, and Jessore.

During the rainy season, you can find lots of pineapples. They are juicy and delicious. The best pineapples come from Sylhet.

Coconuts are very common in our country. The water inside is refreshing and sweet to drink. They grow well in Khulna, Barishal, and Noakhali.

Bananas are also very common and you can get them all year round. There are different types, but the "sabri" banana is the best.

Oranges are juicy, sweet, and good for your health. They are available in winter.

We also have papayas, lichis, blackberries, guavas, melons, tamarinds, and kamarangas. These are some of the fruits we have here.

The future of fruit production in Bangladesh looks bright. So, we should grow more fruits.

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