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Story | Goodness Is Repaid

Once upon a time, there was a little ant. It wanted to drink some water from a spring. Suddenly, the wind started blowing very strongly, causing big waves in the water. One of the waves carried the ant away into the river, and it started to struggle and drown.

Luckily, there was a dove sitting on a tree near the riverbank. The dove noticed the ant in trouble and quickly plucked a leaf with its beak. It dropped the leaf near the ant, hoping it would use it as a raft. The wind carried the leaf to the riverbank, and the ant managed to climb onto it, thus saving itself from drowning.

A few days later, a hunter spotted the dove perched on a tree. The hunter immediately prepared his gun and aimed at the dove, intending to shoot it. However, the ant, who had witnessed the dove's kindness, saw the hunter pointing his gun at its savior. In a brave move, the ant crawled onto the hunter's foot and bit him. The hunter felt a sharp pain and lost his balance, causing him to miss his shot. Thanks to the ant's action, the dove was saved from harm.

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