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Story | Graps All, Loose All

Once upon a time, there was a farmer who lived in a village. This farmer had a really special goose. Every single day, this goose would lay a shiny golden egg. Now, this farmer was a very greedy man. He started thinking that the goose must have many more golden eggs inside its belly. He became obsessed with the idea of having all the eggs at once and becoming instantly rich.

One day, a thought came to the farmer's mind. He came up with a plan to kill the goose and take out all the golden eggs from its belly. He believed that by selling those eggs, he would become rich in no time. Excited about his plan, he shared it with his wife. However, his wife was wise and not driven by greed. She tried to advise her husband, saying, "Please don't be greedy. Let's be content with what we already have."

Sadly, the farmer didn't listen to his wife's wise words. He went ahead and killed the goose with a sharp knife. He carefully cut open its belly, hoping to find a bunch of golden eggs. But to his great disappointment, there was not a single egg inside the goose. The farmer had made a terrible mistake. He had lost his precious and useful goose all because of his own greed.

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