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Essay | Grow More Food

Once Bangladesh was the store house of crops. But those happy days have gone away. Now it has become a challenge to our existence. The title of essay suggests that we do not grow enough food. Of our total people 80 percent live below the poverty line, which must be very shocking for nation.

Cause of growing less food:

Hostile Nature: Natural calamities like cyclones, storms, floods and drought are the destructive factors for our agriculture. Peasants remain completely dependent on the vagaries of nature.

Ancient land system: The ancient land system is one of the causes of growing fewer crops. As a result, the uses of modern appliances like the tractor which needs a larger land space to work on, becomes difficult.

Lack of agricultural knowledge: The farmers of our country are hard-working. But their knowledge of agriculture is not modern and scientific. They do not cultivate more than one crop on a piece of land every year. Neither do they alternate between crops and vegetables.

Small land: Bangladesh is a small country but her population is large. We cannot grow enough crops on the lands. Plantation of fruits and other foods is also severely limited in scope because of the shortage of land.

What to do: To ensure more production of food grains the government must stream-line, the distribution of fertilizer and the collection of the peasants’ about the benefits of having more than one- crop in one field.

Ways to control nature: Protecting the arable land from the ravages of natural calamities is huge task, and not to be done by the government alone, or not in one day. The government should co-ordinate to combine the efforts of all other organizations in putting banks on the rivers, digging cannels and irrigating the fields. As all this will involve huge funds, the authorities concertize and equipment.

On the small scale: The slogan “Grow more food” gets its real meaning when housewives feel the urge to make a food-garden in the backyard of their house.

Bangladesh will not be a happy country unless they grow more food slogan is materialized.

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