Composition | Green House Effect
The greenhouse effect happens when certain gases, like methane, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide, and CFCs, trap heat in the atmosphere. It's like how a car's window lets sunlight in to create heat, but the gases prevent the heat from escaping. This trapped heat leads to heat waves, droughts, and changes in the climate, which can affect our way of life.
The main gases responsible for the greenhouse effect are water vapor, carbon dioxide (CO2), and methane. Methane mostly comes from animal waste. Additionally, human-made gases like nitrogen oxide and chlorofluorocarbons also get trapped in the atmosphere. Natural sources, such as the decay of animals and respiration, release carbon dioxide. In my opinion, we, the people of the world, should try to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases and find ways to balance them to prevent rapid climate change. If we don't, we'll have to adapt to the new climate that we caused. If all countries work together to limit chlorofluorocarbon production and reduce the use of fossil fuels, it would significantly slow down global warming. Carbon dioxide pollution from industry and transportation is a major cause of global warming, and these factors are linked to population growth. As the population increases, the demand for food and products rises, leading to increased industrial activity. The growing population also results in more transportation needs and increased congestion on highways. Deforestation is another cause of global warming. Trees absorb carbon dioxide as they grow, but when they are cut down and burned, the carbon dioxide is released back into the air. Massive deforestation worldwide is reducing the forests' ability to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. These causes may seem simple and fixable, but if they're not addressed, the Earth and its inhabitants will suffer the consequences.
Over the past century, global temperatures have been slowly but steadily increasing. Since 1980, the temperature has risen by 0.2 degrees Celsius (0.4 degrees Fahrenheit) every decade. Scientists predict that if we continue emitting the same amount of gases into the atmosphere, the temperature could rise by as much as 0.5 degrees C (0.9 degrees Fahrenheit) or more per decade by the year 2030. Overall, the global temperature could increase by 5 to 9 degrees over the next fifty years.
If the predicted temperature rise occurs, several things could happen. Higher temperatures could affect crop growth in equatorial regions due to insufficient rain and excessive heat. This would be particularly harmful to countries relying on imported food. The melting of polar ice caps could raise sea levels by 1 to 3 feet, leading to the submergence of small islands, coastal cities, and some shallow rivers. The Everglades in Florida, which is home to many animals and plant life, would be severely affected or even destroyed. The flooding would force these species to migrate northward across dry land, which they cannot endure for long. The spread of tropical diseases would accompany the rising temperatures. Diseases that were previously limited to Mexico might start occurring in North and South Carolina, or even Vermont. Dealing with these new diseases would be challenging and result in more deaths and illnesses. Financially, the construction of dams and the reconstruction of cities affected by flooding would be costly. The food shortage would drive up prices, and the increased diseases would require more medical supplies and healthcare workers. If we don't take action now, all of these factors combined will have significant financial implications.
The Cretaceous period, which occurred over a hundred million years ago, was the warmest period known to us. There was so much carbon dioxide in the air that the oceans rose significantly. North America was flooded and split into two parts. The temperature during that period was over 15 degrees higher than the current average temperature.
Scientists believe that the tilt of the Earth's axis undergoes a cycle every 10,000 years, changing the climate in different regions. Currently, the tilt is moving in a way that will bring North America closer to the sun in winter, making seasons more extreme. This cycle influences the occurrence of ice ages.
Volcanic eruptions release dust into the air, blocking sunlight and cooling the Earth. Oceans absorb carbon dioxide due to ocean currents and the actions of plankton. There is evidence suggesting that rapid climate changes naturally occur between each ice age, which complicates the concept of global warming.
I believe that every person should participate in the fight against global warming. The government plays a crucial role, and it needs to take action soon, or it will be too late. Firstly, the U.S. government should organize a meeting between all nations to establish a committee responsible for managing the money, politics, and scientific research related to reducing gas emissions. Each country should contribute financially, and those refusing to participate should face boycotts, with participating countries ceasing trade with them.
Global warming poses a significant threat to our nation and the world. If we don't act now, it may be too late. While we can't be certain about the existence of the greenhouse effect, we shouldn't take any chances. The pollution problem is evident when we observe what is happening to our world. Efforts are being made to reduce gas emissions, but it's still not enough. We need to take simple steps to cut back further, such as planting trees or using public transportation or carpooling instead of driving alone. These may seem like small actions, but if more people join in, it can make a difference.