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Story | Hemelin And The Rats

A long time ago the town of Hamelin was faced with a great problem. It became full of rats. The rats were so big and fierce that they fought the dogs, killed the cats and bit the babies in the cradles. In no way people of the town could protect their belongings and even lives from the attack of the rats. So, they were leaving the town in groups. In this situation the mayor of the town called a meeting of the elite persons to discuss their problems and way outs. The meeting went on for a long time but there was no result. At that time a strange person with a colourful flute in his hand appeared before the meeting. He declared that he would drive the rats from the town. He demanded one thousand guilders for the job. The mayor as well as the people present there did not believe him. But at last the mayor decided to give the strange man a chance. He also agreed with his demand. Then the strange man went out on the road. He started playing his flute Hearing the sound of his flute the rats jumped out to the roads in thousands. The man started walking and the rats followed him. He suddenly stopped by the near by river. But the rats did not stop. They jumped into the current of the river and all drowned.

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