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Story | Hidden Treasure

There was an old farmer who had two sons. These sons were lazy and never did any work. The farmer didn't know how to make them work. He thought and thought, and on his deathbed, he came up with a plan. He called his two sons to his bedside and said, "My sons, go to the wonder field. I have hidden a treasure there. Dig the field, and you will find it."

The boys immediately went to the field. They worked really hard and dug up the entire field. But they didn't find any treasure. They thought to themselves, "Why should we leave the field all dug up? Maybe we can plant some corn here." So, they planted corn in the field. Eventually, beautiful golden corn grew, and the sons became very happy. They then understood the true meaning of their father's hidden treasure. From that moment on, they started working hard. Over time, they became wealthy in the village.

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