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Story | Wisdom Of King Solomon

King Solomon was known as the smartest person in his time. Everyone knew about his wisdom. Every day, many people came to him with different questions, and he always gave them perfect answers. That's why people called him "the king of the wise." 

There was another ruler called the Queen of Sheba who heard about Solomon's fame. She wanted to test his wisdom, so she went to Solomon's court. She brought two garlands with her, one made of real roses and the other made of fake roses. Both garlands looked very similar. She put them on a table and asked the wise king, "Please tell me, which garland has real roses?" 

Solomon thought for a while. It was not easy to tell which garland was real. But then he noticed some bees buzzing outside the window. King Solomon asked his men to open the window, and the bees flew inside and landed on the garland with real flowers. Solomon pointed at that garland and said, "That one has the real roses." 

The Queen of Sheba was amazed by his wisdom. She praised him and said, "May God bless you with a long life. You truly are Solomon the Wise."

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