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Story | Home Sweet Home

Spotty was a dog who lived in a small town with other dogs like him. He had a nice life. He searched for food with his friends and rested in the shade when it was very hot. He had fun playing with his friends. But one day, the town didn't have enough food. Spotty felt very hungry and weak. He thought, "This town has nothing for me anymore. There is no food and no fun. I will go to the city. I'm sure I'll find plenty of food and have a great time." The next day, Spotty left for the city early in the morning. Luckily, he found a house with a backyard where they threw away leftover food. Spotty ate the delicious leftovers every day and became healthy again in just a few days.

One day, the owner's pet dogs were running around in the backyard. When they saw Spotty, they attacked him. They bit into his soft and healthy flesh, causing deep wounds and tearing his skin. Spotty ran as fast as he could to save his life. He didn't stop running until he reached his hometown. His old friends greeted him happily and asked him about his time in the city. They said, "Dear friend, how was life in the city? Did you have a lot of fun? Your good health shows that there was enough food there. But how did you get hurt?" Spotty replied, "Oh yes, friends. City life has its advantages, but there's no place like home. Even if there's no food here, at least I'm loved and welcomed among my own kind." Saying this, he told his friends about what had happened.

The moral of the story is that sometimes we think things are better somewhere else, but in reality, they're not. It's like looking at someone else's lawn and thinking it's greener than ours.

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