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Story | Haste Makes Waste

Once upon a time, there was a happy but silly man who lived in a city with his family. He had some special chickens that he loved very much and kept in a safe area. One of his chickens would lay a shiny golden egg every two or three days. The man started to feel very greedy. He wanted to get all the golden eggs from inside the chicken at once. So he decided to kill the chicken to take out all the eggs. He grabbed a knife and went towards the place where the chicken was sitting. Coincidentally, there was a visitor staying at the man's house. The visitor asked him what he was planning to do. The man explained that he was going to take out all the golden eggs from the chicken's stomach. The visitor told him it was a bad idea, but the man didn't listen. He killed the chicken and cut open its stomach. To his surprise, there were no golden eggs inside. He started crying a lot. Unfortunately, there was nothing he could do to fix his mistake or bring back the chicken or the golden eggs. The story teaches us that being in a hurry leads to mistakes and being greedy can bring bad luck.

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