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Story | It Never Pays To Overreach Oneself

Once upon a time, there was a very rich merchant who had a strong desire to become the most successful rice trader. People admired him because he had expanded his rice storage buildings from five to ten in just a few years, and his profits from selling rice had increased greatly.

One year, there was a huge harvest of rice in the country, and even after exporting a lot of it, there was still a surplus. This presented a great opportunity for the merchant. He bought a large amount of rice at low prices and stored it in all his buildings. He believed that he could make incredible profits in the future by selling his rice when there was a shortage.

Then something unexpected happened. The government approached the merchant and offered to buy his stored rice at very high prices to sell it to Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. This would have earned him millions of rupees in just a few days. However, the merchant turned down the offer, thinking that he could make billions later.

But fate had other plans. Heavy rains came soon after, causing a nearby river to flood and overflow its banks. As a result, all of the merchant's storage buildings were flooded, ruining all the rice he had stored. His carefully made plans came to nothing.

This story teaches us an important lesson: it's never a good idea to be too greedy and try to achieve more than we can handle. The merchant's excessive ambition led to his downfall.

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