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Story | Learn To Fix Your Loyalty

Once upon a time, there was a war between the birds and the beasts. They fought many battles one after another. Sometimes the birds were winning, and other times the beasts were successful. The bats played a sneaky role in this war. They didn't pick a side and instead chose to go with whoever was winning. They switched sides depending on which side had the advantage. This made them change their loyalty constantly. Neither the birds nor the beasts paid much attention to the bats during the war. But when the war ended, the bats didn't know where to go. First, they went to the birds, but the birds didn't accept them because they had seen the bats fighting for the beasts. Then the bats went to the beasts, but they were also rejected because the beasts had witnessed the bats fighting for the birds. So, the bats were left all alone, and they still remain that way.

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