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Story | Little Red Riding Hood

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Little Red Riding Hood. Her mother told her to take a basket of goodies to her grandma's house. But her mother warned her not to talk to strangers along the way. Little Red Riding Hood promised to obey and happily set off.

While she was walking, she came across a wolf. The wolf asked her where she was going. Little Red Riding Hood replied that she was going to her grandma's house. The wolf, being cunning, quickly ran to her grandma's cottage before she could arrive.

When the wolf reached the cottage, he knocked on the door. Grandma opened the door, but before she knew it, the wolf locked her up in a cupboard. The wicked wolf then put on Grandma's clothes and lay in her bed, pretending to be her.

When Little Red Riding Hood finally reached the cottage, she went straight to her grandma's bedside. She noticed something strange about her grandma's appearance. She commented on the big eyes, big ears, and big teeth. The wolf replied that they were better for seeing, hearing, and eating.

Suddenly, the wolf pounced on Little Red Riding Hood, growling that he was going to eat her. She screamed loudly, and luckily, there were woodcutters nearby who heard her cries. They rushed to the cottage and beat up the wolf. They rescued Grandma from the cupboard and everyone was overjoyed.

Little Red Riding Hood learned her lesson and promised herself to never talk to strangers again. Grandma hugged her tightly, relieved that she was safe. The Big Bad Wolf fled and was never seen again. From that day on, Little Red Riding Hood remembered the importance of staying away from strangers.

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