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Composition | Mass Education

Education is like a bright light. It gets rid of the curse of not knowing things. It helps a person grow in all areas of their body and mind. Everyone should have the right to education. It's a basic right.

When we give education to a large group of people who can't read or write, it's called mass education. No country can do well if most of its people are stuck in not knowing things. Mass education makes people aware of their rights and responsibilities. It helps them become good citizens and patriots. In the past, when the British and Pakistan ruled us, they didn't do anything about it. But now, we are a free country, and it's our responsibility to educate our illiterate masses for the betterment of our nation. It would be a terrible thing if we keep 80% of our people in darkness.

Our government knows about this problem. They are sincerely trying to solve it. They have made it mandatory for children to go to primary school. The radio and television also have programs every day to help with this.

We should support the government in making the mass literacy program successful. Night schools should be opened in every village, with the help of the government and private organizations. Unemployed educated young people can be hired for this and given some money to support themselves. Poor students in night schools should be given free materials for reading and writing. They can also be given some extra benefits to make sure they come regularly.

The government can use teachers from local schools, colleges, and madrasahs to organize this campaign. Imams from mosques and students who have finished their final exams can also help. We need to remember that this is a big task, and we need cooperation from everyone to make it work.

Our government considers education a top priority. They have set aside a lot of money for education in the national budget. They are also focusing on mass literacy programs and mandatory education. We are hopeful that if we take bold steps and get cooperation from everyone, illiteracy will be eradicated from Bangladesh in no time.

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