Composition | My Visit To A Computer Fair
Fair refers to an event at which people or businessmen show and sell their goods. So, a computer fair is a public display of computers held at a particular place for publicity or sale. Soms days ago I had the opportunity to visit a computer fair at Bangladesh-China Maitri Kendra. It was 10th instant and Ialong with my elder sister went to the Bangladesh-China Maitri Kendra to have a visit at the fair. The fair was organized by Bangladesh Computer Samitee. So, the name of the fair was BCS Computer Fair There were 178 stalls of 137 institutions in the fair. All were decorated nicely. Various types of softwares were displayed there. Most of the softwares were for the use of students. There were also many stalls of computer hardwares and multimedia publications. Telemedicine care was arranged there for the first time. Besides there were many facilities for the internet users. The cost of the ticket for entrance was only 20 taka. But I think I bought not the ticket rather a great experience at the cost of the amount. However, I bought some magazines, three softwares and an easy kit. Almost all the stalls were displaying various attractive things on the large screens with the help of newer softwares. These were really wonderful. I think everybody who visited the fair coule realize the fact why computer is an inevitable part of modern life. Besides, there were opportunity to play some new games in some stalls. In fact, I enjoyed such an opportunity also I belive that such a fair will certainly make the people of our country conscious of the new technology. Then we will be able to keep pace with the advancing world.