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Story | Never Be Ungrateful

Once, there were two people traveling on a dusty road. The road didn't have any trees on the sides, and it was a very hot summer day. The sun was blazing hot. The travelers wanted to find some shade to protect themselves from the heat. Suddenly, they spotted a tree with big leaves and branches that looked like an umbrella. It provided thick shade, which seemed like a perfect shelter. So, the travelers headed towards the tree. They put their things on the ground and sat under the cool shade of the tree. They felt relieved and decided to rest there for a while. 

After some time, one of the travelers said to the other, "This tree is useless! It doesn't produce any fruit." The tree felt hurt when it heard the traveler's words. It couldn't believe that the travelers were calling it useless even though they were seeking shelter in its cool shade to escape the scorching sun. The tree angrily responded, "You ungrateful person! You come to me for shelter from the burning sun, and yet you call me useless. Is there a more wicked creature than you on this earth? Get up and leave right now, so you can get scorched again." 

Being ungrateful angers others and can lead to their wrath.

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