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Story | Never Grumble Over Your Lot

It was a nice day during the rainy season. In a forest, a peacock was happily dancing. Suddenly, he remembered an unpleasant, harsh voice. His expression changed, and tears filled his eyes. Then, he spotted a nightingale sitting on a tree nearby. "Wow, what a beautiful voice she has! Everyone loves and praises it. But when I make a sound, everyone laughs at me. How unlucky I am!" cried the peacock. At that moment, Juno, the wife of Jupiter and the leader of the gods, appeared. She asked, "Why are you so sad, Mr. Peacock?" The peacock replied, "I have such a beautiful body that everyone admires. But my voice... it's so ugly and rough! Having this beauty is pointless," he sobbed. Juno said, "Don't complain about your situation. God has given different gifts to different creatures. You have beauty, the eagle has strength, the nightingale has a song, and so on. You're the only one who's unhappy. Learn to be content with what you have."

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