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Story | No Pains, No Gains

Once upon a time, there was a farmer who had three sons. These sons were strong and good-looking, and they were very proud of themselves. However, they were lazy and didn't like to work. Instead, they preferred to wander around the town, thinking that working in the fields with their father was beneath them.

The poor father tried his best to make them understand the importance of hard work, but they didn't listen to his advice. Their behavior troubled him greatly because he knew that if they didn't work, they would end up starving. This thought weighed heavily on his mind, and it made him so upset that he fell ill.

The sons did everything they could to save their father's life, but he didn't get better. Eventually, the doctor informed them that their father was close to death. Even on his deathbed, the old man was worried about his sons. Just before he passed away, he had a brilliant idea.

He called his sons and told them that he had hidden all his wealth in the fields. However, he didn't reveal the exact location of the treasure and then took his last breath. After their father's death, the sons went to the fields and started digging up the ground, hoping to find the hidden treasure. They dug very deep but couldn't find anything.

Realizing that they had no choice, they decided to sow their fields instead. They worked hard that year, and when the harvest time came, they reaped a bountiful crop. They sold their harvest in the market and earned a lot of money. One night, while they were counting their earnings, the youngest brother suddenly realized that this was the treasure their father had promised them.

He shared the news with his brothers, and they were overjoyed. They shed tears of gratitude and thanked their deceased father for what he had done for them.

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