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Story | A Thirsty Crow

Once upon a time, there was a thirsty crow flying around, looking for water. Sadly, it couldn't find any water anywhere. Finally, it spotted a pitcher nearby and flew towards it. When it reached the pitcher, the thirsty crow noticed that the water inside was at the bottom of the jar.

The crow was very thirsty, so it tried its best to reach the water quickly. Unfortunately, its beak couldn't reach the bottom of the jar. This made the crow feel very sad and hopeless. It didn't know what to do.

The crow thought and thought, but no ideas came to mind. It felt helpless, just waiting there. Suddenly, the crow noticed some small pieces of stone near the jar. Seeing the stones gave the crow a new idea. Without wasting any time, it picked up a stone and dropped it into the jar. Then it dropped another stone, and another, one by one.

As the crow continued dropping the stones, the water level started rising. Eventually, all the stones were in the jar, and the water reached the brim. Now the crow's beak could touch the water. The crow happily drank the water to its heart's content and flew away with a joyful mind.

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