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Application | Organizing A Debating Club In Your School

Organizing A Debating Club In Your School

1 March, 2011
The Headmaster,
Swarupkati Collegiate Academy,
Swarupkati, Pirojpur.

Subject: An application for organizing a debating club.

Dear Sir,
I, on behalf of the students of your school, would like to draw the fact to your attention that ours is a big and famous school. There are many brilliant students in our school. They are interested in debating. But we have no debating club in our school. So we can't practise debating. Now we need a debating club where we will practise debating under the guidance of our teachers.

I, therefore, hope that you would kindly organize a debating club and oblige thereby.

Yours obediently,
Class- 10, Roll- 7,
On behalf of the students of your school.

Application | Organizing A Debating Club In Your School

1. Who wrote the letter?

   - Answer: Runi, a student from Class 10.

2. Who is the letter addressed to?

   - Answer: The Headmaster of Swarupkati Collegiate Academy.

3. What is the purpose of the letter?

   - Answer: To request the Headmaster to start a debating club in the school.

4. Why does the school need a debating club?

   - Answer: Because there are many interested students who want to practice debating.

5. What benefits would the debating club offer?

   - Answer: Students would be able to practice debating with guidance from teachers.

6. What does "oblige" mean in the letter?

   - Answer: It means to do someone a favor or agree to their request.

7. Is Swarupkati Collegiate Academy a big school?

   - Answer: The letter says it's a big and famous school.

8. Are there any debating clubs mentioned in the letter?

   - Answer: No, the letter says the school currently doesn't have a debating club.

9. What grade is Runi in?

   - Answer: Runi is in Class 10.

10. Who else is asking for the debating club?

   - Answer: Runi is writing on behalf of all the students in the school, not just herself.

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