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Story | Ruplal

Once upon a time there lived a young man called Ruplal in a village near a jungle. Ruplal worked on a farm in his village. The village was very beautiful but the village people were very quarelling. Ruplal did not like it. He decided to live alone in the jungle One day collecting all necessary things he went to the jungle and made there a nice little hut. His first few days were very comfortable. On a moonlit night he saw a mouse which made a hole in his blanket. He was worried about the mouse. He thought of killing it. To kill the mouse, he brought a cat from his village. To feed the cat he brought a cow from his village. To look after the cow he brought his younger brother. Ruplal began to face more problems. So he returned to his village and began to live with his family again.

Moral : Man cannot live alone.

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