Composition | Rural Life
Bangladesh is a small country, but it has a large population. Most of the people in Bangladesh live in rural areas and they work hard to improve their lives. Unfortunately, many people in our country are born into difficult circumstances and have to rely on themselves to survive. In the rural areas, agriculture is the main way for people to change their luck, but those who are uneducated and overlooked struggle to make a decent profit from their farming.
The rural areas are home to different types of people, but the majority are illiterate, uneducated, and neglected. Only a small number of people have received an education. This leads to various superstitions and obstacles in society. The rural people depend heavily on nature for their livelihoods. They rely on natural conditions for cultivating their crops. However, when natural disasters strike, they have to face immense challenges. Sometimes, these calamities destroy their crops, livestock, homes, and belongings. Lives are lost as well. These rural folks have modest dreams, so they struggle to change their lives and improve their luck.
The communication system in rural areas is not very good, making it difficult for people to connect with one another. They also lack access to proper education and healthcare. Despite the large population in the villages, there are not enough employment opportunities, educational institutions, healthcare facilities, food supplies, and factories. As a result, they are deprived of modern technology and a modern way of life. Since many people in rural areas are uneducated, they struggle to properly apply seeds and fertilizers in their fields.
The percentage of educated individuals in rural areas is quite low, and they do not have access to the modern educational facilities available in urban areas. Teachers in rural primary and high schools receive low salaries and few benefits, which affects their dedication to teaching. Additionally, there are large numbers of students in each classroom, making it difficult for teachers to provide proper education and maintain discipline. Consequently, students do not receive the education they need. Many students drop out before completing primary education. As a result, when these students face interviews or exams in job markets, they fail to secure employment.
Unemployment is a curse for any nation, society, family, or country. The number of educated individuals in rural areas is increasing, but they struggle to find suitable jobs in their villages and lack work experience. They migrate to cities in search of employment, but find it difficult to secure good jobs. Frustrated by their inability to achieve their goals, some of them turn to criminal activities. Their families hope that their sons will send money from the city, but after some time, their sons return as criminals.
Despite the numerous problems in rural areas, there seems to be a lack of awareness among government officials. The government often claims to be working for the betterment of Bangladesh and supporting the impoverished population, but these efforts seem limited to mere words.
There are some positive aspects of rural life. People in rural areas have access to fresh and organic vegetables and fruits like blackberries, carrots, coconuts, oranges, mangoes, pineapples, palms, papayas, guavas, watermelons, bananas, and jackfruits, as they cultivate these fruits on their own land. They also enjoy fresh meat, eggs, and milk.
Although there are advantages and disadvantages to both rural and city life, every life has its challenges. However, we can find joy and build successful careers if we learn to appreciate and make the most of what we have.