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Story | The King And The Spider

Robert Bruce was a brave king of Scotland. He fought many battles to free his country from the cruel rule of the English. However, he never succeeded in his efforts. Once, he prepared for war and wanted to have a decisive battle. He was very confident that he would win. He fought with bravery and without fear, but unfortunately, he was not successful. He was defeated so badly that he had to run away from the battlefield to save his life. He found a hiding place in a cave and started thinking about what went wrong and caused his defeat, even though he had prepared so well.

He felt frustrated and sad about his defeat. He decided to give up his struggle for freedom. Lost in his thoughts, he lay down in the cave. Eventually, he saw a spider climbing up the wall towards its cobweb. The spider fell down but didn't give up. It tried again and again to reach its destination. It fell nine times but didn't lose hope. The king thought that the spider would never try again to reach the web. However, to his surprise, he saw the spider climbing once more. This time, it successfully reached its cobweb. This inspired the king greatly and gave him new energy to continue his struggle.

He gathered his army again and fought with great determination and hope for victory. Finally, he defeated his enemy and won freedom for his country.

The moral of the story is that we should never give up easily. We should keep trying, even if we fail multiple times. God helps those who help themselves, and success comes through hard work and perseverance. Failure is not the end; it can lead to success if we learn from our mistakes. We need to take risks and make efforts to achieve our goals. Those who are brave and determined are often favored by luck. The key to success lies in constant struggle and never losing hope.

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