Composition | The Natural Beauties Of Bangladesh
Bangladesh is full of natural beauties. Those who want to find out themselves from the endless beauties of the universal nature, there is an unseen appeal in favour of them with its clean blue sky, lovely rivers, flowers and leaves, shades of banyan trees and very cold rural gallery of this country.
The land area of Bangladesh is about 144 square kilometres. The total area of its land is full of natural beautiful to look at. On the other hand, there are high hills in Sylhet, Comilla, Chittagong and Chittagong Hill Tracts. Besides this, there are thick forests of which Sundarbans in Khulna is remarkable. The world famous Royal Bengal Tigers live in this forest. The scenery of the coastal area of Cox’s Bazar is very attractive not only for us but also for the foreign tourists.
Bangladesh is a land of rivers. The Padma, the Meghna and the Jamuna are the big rivers of Bangladesh. The river water flowing over the plain land makes the land fertile for the growth of trees and plants. Bangladesh may be called a garden of natural beauties with effect of the blessing of these rivers.
Different pleasures of six seasons are going through the twelve months of the year in Bangladesh. In the summer, the sun grows hot and hurts the land. People become tired with the scorching heat of the sun but the summer fruits like mangoes, jack-fruits and litchis relieve us from tiredness. After then after then the sky becomes cloudy and the nature becomes cool with its heavy rainfall. The autumn comes at the time of leave taking period of the rainy season. The late autumn is the precursor of the spring. This is the cheerful time for the peasants as they keep themselves deeply engaged in reaping paddy and carrying it home, the winter comes with the biting cold. The nature looks dead and gloomy. The spring which is known to us as the king of seasons comes just after the winter. The flowers bloom in trees and give us sweet scent.
There flow endless beauties in Bangladesh all the year round. The wealth of natural beauties has had a great effect on the peoples mind and character.