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Story | The Sun And The Wind

Once, there was an argument between the wind and the sun. They both claimed to be stronger than the other. They were very excited and decided to settle their disagreement by testing their powers on a man. The man was wearing a coat and walking quickly. The sun and the wind agreed that whoever could make the man take off his coat would be considered the stronger one.

The wind won a coin toss and started first. It began blowing gently, and the man felt happy. But then the wind grew stronger and became very violent. The man held onto his coat tightly and sought shelter behind a rock to protect himself from the strong gusts. The wind failed to make the man remove his coat.

Now it was the sun's turn. It started shining gently, just like the wind had started softly. The man got up and resumed walking in the sun. As time passed, the sun's rays became hotter, and the man started feeling hot too. The sun continued to emit intense heat. Eventually, the man took off his coat and his shirt, seeking relief from the sun's heat. He sat down in the shade of a tree to protect himself from the scorching sun.

In the end, the sun emerged as the winner of the dispute, and the wind had to accept defeat.

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