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Story | The Fear Of A Ghost

When Sahana was a child, her grandmother used to tell her scary stories about ghosts. Last summer vacation, she went to visit her uncle in Chittagong for a few days. Her uncle's house was on top of a hill, surrounded by many trees. The atmosphere there was very quiet and eerie. One night, after having dinner, Sahana went to bed. Unfortunately, something unpleasant and terrifying happened. At midnight, she suddenly heard a loud, piercing cry. She woke up, and the sound repeated. She was shaking with fear, remembering the ghost stories her grandmother had told her. She thought that it might be the cry of a ghost. Sahana was extremely scared and started crying. She couldn't sleep the entire night because the sound kept haunting her. When the night finally ended, she felt relieved to be free from the unexpected fright she had experienced.

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