Story | Two Parrots
Once upon a time, there was a King who had a Son and two Parrots. The Prince and the Baby Parrot were very close and grew up together. The Prince had a love for birds, so one day he decided to be friendly with a Sparrow in the garden. However, this made the Parrot unhappy because the Sparrow was his enemy.
One day, while they were playing, a fight broke out between them and the Parrot ended up pecking the Sparrow. The Prince was shocked by this and in his anger, he killed the Parrot. When the father of the Baby Parrot heard the sad news of his son's death, he attacked the Prince and made him blind by piercing both his eyes. Then, the father flew to a tall tree to protect himself.
The Prince pleaded with the Parrot, saying, "Please forget everything that has happened and come back to me." The King also added, "It was destiny that caused such a tragic event, that your child died and mine became blind." The Parrot replied, "How can I trust you after what has occurred? It is better for me to stay away from you than to risk experiencing your love turning into hate."
The moral of the story is: Do not trust someone who seeks revenge.