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Story | The Ungrateful Master

Once upon a time, there was a donkey that was very loyal to its owner. Even though it didn't get enough food and was weak, it always carried the heavy load its owner placed on it every day. One day, while the donkey was moving around, it accidentally fell into a large hole where people threw their garbage. The donkey couldn't get out on its own. The owner thought the donkey was old and useless, so he abandoned it and left it to its fate. However, the donkey managed to survive by eating the food that people threw into the hole.

One morning, as the owner and his son were walking by, they heard the donkey making loud noises. The owner tried to peek into the hole and ended up losing his balance. He called out to his son for help, but the stench was so awful that the young boy decided to leave his father, fearing that he might also fall in. The owner realized his mistake. Fortunately, some rag-pickers who were nearby heard the man's cry for help and quickly pulled him out of the hole. He asked them to help him rescue the donkey as well. With their assistance, both the owner and the donkey were soon on their way back home.

My Prayer: Lord, let me never be an ungrateful person.

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