Story | The Village Jester
Once upon a time, there was a young man who lived in the countryside. He didn't have a job and didn't do any work. Instead, he enjoyed entertaining the people in the town and making them laugh. Because of this, he became very popular and was known as a jester.
During those days, the only way to travel was in carriages pulled by horses. One day, the jester came up with a plan to play a trick on his simple-minded friends and neighbors. He also wanted to make some money from his scheme. The jester announced that on a specific day, he would show everyone a special kind of carriage that didn't need horses. The people in the countryside, who had limited imagination, couldn't think beyond what they knew. They became very curious and wanted to see what this mysterious carriage would look like.
On the day of the show, all the people from the countryside lined up, eagerly waiting for their turn to witness this amazing horseless carriage. However, to their disappointment, they saw that the jester had placed a wheelbarrow in front of them. The people felt embarrassed and whispered to each other that they had been fooled into thinking they would see something extraordinary. They were annoyed with themselves for being so easily deceived.
The moral of the story is to use your common sense and think critically, or else you might end up being tricked or fooled by others.