Story | The Young Girl And The Hen
Once upon a time, there was a young girl who lived with her mom and dad on a farm. She really enjoyed spending time playing with the animals on the farm.
One day, while she was playing near the chickens and their little baby chickens, a hen pecked her finger and it hurt. The girl quickly ran to her dad, crying and showing him her hand.
Her dad asked her, "Oh, my lovely little girl! What happened?"
Through her tears, the girl said, "Oh dad! The hen hurt me! I'm always nice to them, but whenever I try to play with them, one of them bites my fingers. They're not nice!"
Her dad gently held her small hand in his big hand and said, "The poor hens think you might harm them or their little ones, so they get scared and bite out of fear. You need to be careful. Try playing with them from a little distance first. When you become friends with them, they won't bite you anymore."
Then her dad added, "My dear girl, it's important to understand and respect every living creature, even if they're different from us. They have feelings and fears too!"
Moral: Before getting close to people or animals, it's important to understand them first.