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Once, there was a jackal who lived in a forest near a river. On the other side of the river, there were many fields full of melons. However, the river was very deep and wide, so the jackal was afraid to cross it. He approached a camel and asked if the camel could carry him to the other side. The camel agreed to help.

During the night, the camel carried the jackal on his back and they waded through the river. The jackal was very happy because he could now enter the melon fields and enjoy eating the melons. He ate to his heart's content and then started howling. The camel asked him to be quiet, but the jackal said that it was his habit to howl after eating.

Upon hearing the jackal's howl, the villagers who owned the melon fields rushed towards the fields. The jackal quickly ran away and hid in a bush. The villagers found the camel and started beating him with sticks. The camel ran towards the river, but he collapsed on the riverbank. The villagers left him alone and went away. Now, the jackal came out of his hiding place and approached the camel.

After some time, the camel regained his strength and decided to cross the river. The jackal jumped onto the camel's back. When they reached the deep water in the middle of the river, the camel stopped. The jackal asked the camel why he had stopped. The camel replied that it was his habit to take a bath after getting severely beaten. Saying this, the camel dived into the water. Unfortunately, the jackal fell into the water and drowned.

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