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Story | Truth Always Triumphs

Once upon a time, Abdul Qadir Gilani's parents decided to send him to Baghdad to learn new things. When it was time for him to leave, his mother gave him forty golden coins for his journey. She told him to always tell the truth. Abdul Qadir began his journey with a group of travelers called a caravan. While they were traveling through a desert, a gang of robbers attacked them and stole everything from the passengers. One of the robbers approached Abdul Qadir and asked him what he had. Abdul Qadir truthfully said that he had forty golden coins.

The robber searched Abdul Qadir thoroughly but couldn't find the coins. He asked Abdul Qadir where the coins were, and Abdul Qadir told him that he had sewn them into his clothes. The robber was amazed by this honesty. He took Abdul Qadir to the gang's leader and told him the whole story. The leader asked Abdul Qadir why he hadn't saved his money by lying. Abdul Qadir explained that his mother had taught him to always tell the truth, so he followed her advice.

This response from Abdul Qadir touched the leader deeply. He realized that the young boy had chosen to listen to his mother's advice instead of valuing the golden coins, even though he had disobeyed Allah to steal them. The leader immediately decided to give up his evil ways and sincerely repent for his sins. All the robbers followed their leader and decided to change their lives for the better. They returned the stolen belongings to the passengers and committed themselves to a virtuous path.


Truth always triumphs.
Virtue never goes waste / unrewarded.
Virtue generates virtue.

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