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Composition | To Visit A Historical Place

We the human beings have an innate fascination for the unseen and unknown. Visiting a historical place gives us an opportunity to fulfill our indomitable curiosity for the unseen and unknown. Moreover, it gives us a unique advantage to widen the horizon of our knowledge as it has educative as well as cultural values. By visiting a historical place, we can learn a lot of things about the life and culture of our ancient people.

From my early childhood, I have heard much from my near and dear ones that a historical place is a symbol of our past. As a result, an ardent desire has haunted me to visit some historical places. My long cherished desire came true during the last winter vacation when my uncles, residing at Bagerhat, invited all the members of my family to spend a few days with him.

It is well known that Khan Jahan Ali, a saint who came from Baghdad with a view to preaching Islam, founded Bagerhat. But he did not limit his activities only to preaching Islam, he also started to adorn his city with numerous mosques, streets and public buildings. The imposing multi-domed mosque, commonly known as Shat Gambuj Masjid, is the most spectacular one. The mosque is remarkable for its magnificence and it has a strong attraction for the tourists. I became bewitched to see the mosque from outside and my curiosity rose higher and higher to see the mosque minutely. And I did that like a visitor enchanted by something of unrivalled beauty.

I also visited the Mazar of Khan Jahan Ali. The Mazar stands on a raised ground. The tomb is made of cut-out stones. But nobody can accurately say about the source of these artistic stones. Another noteworthy characteristic of the Mazar is the inscriptions on the dome. The inscriptions are in Arabic and one of them states that Khan Jahan Ali died on October 25, 1459.

There is also a vast fresh-water tank in front of the Mazar. There are some crocodiles in this big tank. It is interesting to see that they come near when the caretaker calls them.

My visit to Bagerhat is one of the momentous events of my life. It has really extended my outlook. This visit has also made so deep an impression upon my mind that I often feel an urge to see other historical places of our country, which represent our glorious past.

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