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Composition | Traffic Jam

Traffic congestion is a big problem in modern cities. During busy hours, all the important streets in a big city become crowded with different kinds of vehicles.

Traffic jams happen because many drivers don't know the rules of the road. Another major cause of traffic jams is the presence of rickshaws and carts on the main roads. If you look at pictures of traffic jams in newspapers, you'll see more rickshaws and carts than motor vehicles. Over the years, there have been more vehicles on the road than the roads can handle. Most of the roads in the older parts of major cities are narrow, and even the recently built streets are not very wide.

Throughout the year, organizations like WASA, T&T, PDB, and gas systems can be seen digging the roads. Their activities cause traffic jams all year round. Footpath vendors are indirectly responsible for causing traffic jams. They set up stalls on the footpaths, forcing pedestrians onto the road, which then blocks the flow of traffic. Political meetings and rallies also frequently cause traffic jams. It's strange to see that major political parties don't hesitate to hold public meetings right on the streets. The frustrated commuters silently curse them. However, recently the government has been trying to pass a law to ban political meetings on the streets.

To control traffic, several steps need to be taken. First, drivers need to be educated about traffic rules. The roads should be widened, and bypasses should be created. Footpath shopkeepers should be removed. Additionally, more traffic police officers should be stationed at various locations to effectively control the traffic.

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